
We offer a wide range of health-related books as well as educational services that advocate long-term fitness (hence our name Fit For Life Centre).


Mucusless Diet Book: Healing System
A Prelude to the Original

A tested Scientific method of
Eating Your way to Vibrant Health.

"Arnold Ehret was a man of unique insight with a prophetic understanding of how to cleanse and rebuilt the body. It would take the world of orthodox medicine 80 years to catch up with him."
- Gary Null, Ph.D.

"Though many writers today promote similar concept on health, I feel Ehret's clear, simple forceful style still makes him one of the most likeyl to inspire the reader to take action. By following Prof. Ehret's advice, I achieved a state of health better than I had previously imagined was possible."
- Joe Alexander, Author and Artist

This book explains a complete workable program for cleansing, repairing, rebuilding and maintaining a Healthy body. It explains in plain undertandable, simple language the Ehret method so that anyone can apply it successfully to enjoy vibrant health.


Greens+ Book

Simply The Best Energy Booster!TM
Twelve International Award Winning.
A Synergistic Blend of Enzymatically
- Alive, Nutrient-Rich Foods

Sam Graci, an internationally renowned nutritional researcher, who is also the formulator and developer of GREENS+ will discuss and explain about the development of GREENS+, formulation and highlights; and the clinical benefits of using GREENS+ daily. An Award-winning synergistic bleand og 29 nutrient-rich foods that deliver optimum energy and superior well-being to every cell of the body.

Some of the daily benefits of Greens:
  • Increases Energy Naturally
  • Improves Mental Acuity
  • Emulsifies and Metabolizes Fat
  • Strengthens the Immune System
  • Gently Cleanses the Colon
  • Restores a Healthy pH Balance to the Human Body

* This book is available from the publisher, including Chinese Edition


Greens+ Book

The Gerson Therapy Book
A Nutritional Cancer Therapy

In 1930 Dr. Max Gerson knew that the body would heal itself of serious illness when detoxified and provided with proper nourishment. In this enlightening interview, his daughter Charlotte Gerson explains the nutritionally based Gerson therapy for cancer and other serious illnesses, including osteoporosis, diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

Reactivate the Body's Healing Forces.

This book is for those who want to understand how their own body can heal malignant and non-malignant diseases. Learn how the Gerson Therapy restores the body's own healing mechanisms and rebuilds the immune system. For many the result is regeneration and a return to wholeness.

* This book is available from the publisher, including Chinese Edition


The Gerson Therapy Book

The Grape Cure Book
A Natural Cancer Solution

Johanna Brandt's personal incredible story of her victory against abdominal cancer, using Fasting and the Grape Diet as a Natural Healing Therapy. With proper nourishment, nutrition and detoxification, the body starts self-natural healing, naturally.

The Grape Diet continues to help thousands of people worldwide for a wide range of ailments and diseases for several decades. A must read book for those who are interested to learn and know the real causes of diseases and having the know-how to remove them for total self-natural healing.

"PRAYER DOES NOT SAVE THEM because they continue the WRONG HABITS, the sins, that have CAUSED their DISEASE."

This book is DEDICATED to all those sick and ailing PEOPLE, wherever they may be, LOOKING FOR EFFECTIVE NATURAL TREATMENT of their choice for their condition.

* This book is available from the publisher and national library, including Chinese Edition


The Grape Cure Book

Apple Cider Vinegar Book

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar - Known for its powerful healing, cleansing qualities. It's a naturally occurring antibiotic, antiseptic and miraculously fights germs and bacteria!


Apple Cider Vinegar Book


Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Juices Book

What's Missing in Your Body? Deficiencies of certain mineral, salts and vitamins can cause many of the symptons of illness. Vegetable juices are categorically listed and their elements carefully explained.

It is a complete guide of the Therapeutic uses of our more common, everyday vegetables when taken in the form of fresh, raw juices.It will be of considerable help to those who wish to derive the utomost benefit from the natural foods which God created for the nourishment of Man.

"It has been proved beyond doubt that supplementing our meals with raw vegetable and fruit juice is the quickest and most permanent ways to replenish the body with the elements it lacks."
- Dr. Norman W. Walker



Water Can Undermine Your Health Book

How Water We Drink Affects Our Health

Dr. Walker sees water pollution as a cause of arthritis, varicose veins, cancer, and even heart attacks - a major problem in virtually every community in the country. His treatment of water pollution is revealing, comprehensive, and scientific. His findings, and his recommendations for corrective action, offer new hope.

Your body needs from two to four quarts of water each day to maintain good health. Make sure you are getting the cleanest, purest available.

This book will show you how to protect yourself and your family from the deadly bacteria, virsuses, chemicals, parasites and even CRYPTOSPORIDIUM thta are present in over 43% of all public water supplies.

Those "MOST AT RISK" from drinking unsafe, sub-standard water are those with weakened immune systems; including infants, elderly, patients on chemotherapy and HIV. Why take unnecessary chances?


Water Can Undermine Your Health Book

Colon Health Book

"You can regain the vitality of your Youth."

This book shows how every organ, gland and cell in the body is affected by the condition of the large intestine - the colon. COLON HEALTH answers such questions as: Are cathartics and laxatives dangerous? Can colon care prevent heart attack?- Is your eyesight affected by the condition of your colon?


Colon Health Book


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